La EuCodeweek + ricca di sempre all'ITE Russo (duplicata)
Mai tanti eventi e così entusiasmanti nel nostro Istituto in occasione della settimana europea del Coding. Segui i ns eventi online in questi giorni e se vuoi chiedi info tramite la ns email d'Istituto. Dal Menù programmato in Swift ai giochi di robotica, dallo studio delle 4 stagioni e della rivoluzione terrestre con il coding e la robotica, fino alla creazione di videogames arcade con Swift e Unity partendo da uno storytelling.
Ecco in dettaglio gli eventi di quest'anno:
1. Learning seasons by coding
On October 20th, we will demonstrate how it is possible to learn the seasons and the earth revolution system around the sun through coding!
It will be a very fun activity during which we will create a huge map of the solar system and with the help of the iPad and the Sphero Edu app we will program our earth/spherobolt on its revolutionary journey around the sun. Don't miss it. We are waiting for you! Join us
2. The plane & the cookies - an arcade game by Swift
The project we will be presenting at this year's EuCodeWeek will be an arcade game developed with the Swift language based on a story created by the children of the Borgotaro Comprehensive School. This storytelling is based on a true story about one of the children, who was struck by a bad illness and was helped by the characters in the story to escape a little from reality. We chose the chapter about "the plane ride" and had fun turning it into a mini arcade game with the iPad and the Swift Playgrounds app.It's an adventure in which the child and his two imaginary friends (panda and blue bunny) fly on a plane and try to avoid lots of cookies. Join us tomorrow at 9:30 am
3. A Spasso con Byte e ballo con Meebot
Come usare Swift Playgrounds nell'attività di coding. Classi coinvolte 1 A AFM numero alunni 20, 2B AFM numero alunni 24.
4. Menù del giorno
La classe 5B Sia è composta da 14 alunni. L'attività consiste nel realizzare un menù utilizzando la programmazione con Swift.